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What (the #@$%) is This?


Hello, welcome to my personal space on the world wide web, my name is Weimarball ß. "Eszett Eszt" Weimarball, and if you wonder why I started this site, it's honestly because (most) websites are all gone commercialized. Other than that, I would like to make my own corner on the {WORLD WIDE WEB}. Right now, it is also kinda bland and maybe I'll add in some cool stuff. Maybe even some JaVaScRiPt. Also I am not exactly the best at HTML or CSS or JS, so expect improvement and bugs and stuff like that.

Die Bloochoot Deweiß ees reeely chu päel F*CK YOU CHINESE BLOOCHOOT SPEAKERS
Best Ony ANY BROWSER! Free WAREZ, download now! Questions or Comments? Use Email! Click START for H95! The High Color Testing Portal Hey You! Learn HTML! NOW!!!! AOL kinda sucks. Leave it, use MSN *Laugh Out Loud* It's your internet! Not Corporate!
Loco Compyutuh's Home


A (sentient) Windows 95 computer whose name happens to be 'Loco Compyuduh'

- The Loco Compyutuh

What's New?


Added WMN Messenger. That's all. You may see designs change every now and then.


Yeah, it has obviously been a very, very, VERY, VERY, long time since I have ever updated the website. The problem is that unlike OTHER dev teams, I am an indie dev with only one person in charge. Even worse I have little to no time to spare on these projects. Thankfully I've gotten back to developing the website. So..... yeah.


Nuthin honestly, only some new links to those weird wacky buttons. For the past few days I've gotten too busy to do literally anything.


Added some links to the website, so that whenever you click on one of those weird wacky buttons, you would be redirected to {$insert_website_name$}


First announcement, and the WeimarballProductions website is finally on! Nice!

Welcome to the Penguin Computing Cult

Download Netscape NOW! Right Now! Or else you DIE! (jk) Nuke Internet Explorer! my_favorite_browser_nutscape Get Windows 98 Now. VOTE FOR FREE SPEECH Time to get some GeoCities YellowPages DOWNLOAD SCREENSAVER NOW RIGHT NOW OR ELSE Play Free Pac Man Game RIGHT NOW! I HATE MACINTOSH! THEY ARE SO TRASH!
WMN Messenger
Other Random Stuff???


Just use this website's media player! Powered By SCM Media Player!!!!! (Controls are at the top of the website. If you want to view the playlist, then use the hamburger menu.


There are some stuff (coding, music, nostalgia, 1997spam, stuff like that) that I would like to put on this website. I mean, IDK man.


I'll probably create some more stuff about none other than our favorite character in this website: LOCO COMPYUDUH!. Maybe lore? Maybe action? Maybe an unrelated webcomic? Maybe some other stuff like an embedded minigame???? I DON'T KNOW!

© Layout by NeoThemes